
Australia 32 way back to Hobart by the East coast

way back to Hobart by the East coast

Cranbrook – Bicheno – Swansea 80

Here starts a hill, 5 km up and 5 km down, in the forest, pine, eucalyptus, acacias and weeds. At the top there is a beautiful lookout on Freyciney lagoon, which is like a large lake with mountains in the distance.
Then I enter in Bicheno, and at the entrance there are a picnic area, 2 tables, and a beautiful view on the sea, the orange rocks, and waves passing by a hole like geysers.
Bicheno is a very little town, and I discover there are no bus lines following the coast by the highway A3. So I decide to go back now, and forget St Helen coast road.
I go back till Swansea, which is a little touristic town along the sea. At the get out there are a picnic area, shelter, table and toilet, along the river, where I camp.

Swansea – Triabunna – Orford – Buckland 77

The road goes inland by farms land till spicky bridge. It is an old stone bridge. Then the road follows the sea, with some small beaches. I stop in Mayfield bay, free campsite along the sea, with beach. It is very windy, but the picnic area, tables, is protected by shrubs. There are a lot of caravans. There are toilets but no water.
The next day the road continues inland till Triabunna. Here I go to the harbor, with some fishing boats. I lunch with fish and chips. There is a super market, but no place to camp.
I continue till Orford. And just in front the golf, before the town, along the beach, there is an abandoned camping, with toilets and water, where to camp. I cross the bridge, go to the super market, and go at the picnic area and sport ground on left. It is a nice place, but very windy and cold. So I move.
The road follows the river by easy climbing for 9 km through the forest. Then it flatters by farms land, and undulates till Buckland. I turn on right in the village, and at the end of the street is the sport field, toilet and water, where I camp.

Buckland – Sorell – Airport 50

I have to cross 2 gaps, by 17 km of steep climbing. Then it comes a quick downhill and then it flatters. All that is by forest and farms land.
Sorell is a little town. I decide to camp in the sport ground at the entrance.
Next day I cross the long bridge, follow the coast a bit, and arrive at the caravan park in front the airport. I camp here. Tomorrow I take the plane to Perth.

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