
Australia 36 Stirling range and going till Albany

Stirling range and going till Albany

Fitzerald picnic - Jerramungup - Ongerup 75

I ask myself if I cross again the swamp with shrubs land till Bremer bay, well it is 100 km of gravel road without water, but I could beg water to the caravan drivers in the picnic area. In fact it starts to rain heavily, so I got the answer, and I follow the hgw. For 35 km the road continues hilly, by shrubs land.
Jerreamungup is a little town, supermarket, sport ground, library.
After the road flatters and goes undulating by farmland till Ongerup, 40 km. Fortunatly I have backwind and the road is rounded by the local native bush, blooming.
Ongerup is a village, and I go to the sport ground, near the caravan park, where I camp. It is very windy, but there is a veranda back of the building, propecting me and the tent, and the showers and toilets are open! So I got a shower and I wash the clothes, luxury.

Ongerup - Borden - Stirlang range campsite 75

Till Borden and some more, the road continues undulating by fields and farms. The sky is cloudy. Then it enters in the National park, undulating till the campsite, by shrubs and forest. The campsite is used by commun caravan drivers, so they are noisy, and I feel lonely. And It rains with thunder all night. I have a bad sleep.

Stirling Range - Scenic Drive - Kendenup 72

As no one seems to hike a peak, I decide to move and I start late, following the Scenic Drive. The road is rather smooth, gravel, with long steep hills, going all along the range, joining the peaks. It is beautiful, with the bush blooming all colours, strange little trees, shrubs, and the peaks with cliffs or volcan looklike.
Then I turn on left in Red Gum pass road, enter in farmland, and then I turn on right, way to Albany hgw, by a sealed road, till Kendenup center. At the cross after the railway, I ask my way at a family, and I discover they don't know reading. But fortunatly they drive me to the store. And here the teller makes me a very clear plan, very nice guy. The store itself has just the basic, and double price. So I follow gravel roads, fortunatly mostly downhill, for 8 km, till Fred home, warmshowers. They did the house by themselves, in ground with hay, dry toilets, rain water, dam, vegetables and fruits. I spend a day resting.

Kendenup - Mount Baker - Porongurup - Napier 60

I join the very busy Albany hgw, just for 15 km, till Mount baker. It is cloudy with showers. Mount Baker is a little town, with a good sport ground at the North entrance. I make some shopping, and a couple invites me for a coffe.
Then I turn on right to Castle Rock national park, and Porongurup, undulating by farms land. On right I have the view of a little range with some cliff. Porongurup is just a caravan park and a hotel. I stop a little further in Castle Rock picnic area. And I go up hiking till the top of the range, 1h30 go and go back, by the forest. At the top are a few boulders, and a awesome lookout on all the farmland around.
I chat a little with other visitors, and I move. I turn on right way to Albany, undulating by the forest, and I stop 25 km before Albany, in Napier comunity hall, on right. Some people play tennis, and the boss accepts I camp here. roof, table, rain water, but no toilet.

Napier - Albany 30

I follow the road, undulating by forest, eucalyptus, acacias, oaks, shrubs, flowers, till the info bay. here there is a motobike meeting, with old motobikes.
And here too, I turn on left in Mercer road, which I follow till the round about at the end. Here I turn on right, and immediatly take the bicycle lane. It drives me by shrubs land till the coast, and then along the coast, sometimes by a boardwalk, till the center of Albany. On the way there are some picnic area with roof, possible place to camp, and a park along the sea, with toilets, water, roof table, and showers, but not a good place to camp.
It is cold and cloudy, but fortunatly I meet in front the tourist office a couple of cyclists. We stay all afternoon gossiping, It is good. They indicate me I could camp at the top of the hill.
But it is yet raining, so I go to take a shower, just at the cross with the commercial street, and I decide to move. I take the road along the sea, with picnic area, but I won't recommand to camp in Albany, too turistic to avoid the rangers. So I continue till Elleker, 20 km ahead, sport ground, toilet, store.

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