


Marla – Picnic area – Cadney Homestead 80
Cadney Homestead – Picnic area 80
Picnic area – Cobber Pedy 85Marla – picnic area –Cadney Homestead 80
The road follows gentle hilly, through for part acacia open forest, and part just fields with poor grass and scattered shrubs. The wind is cold, strong, from East in the morning, then North East in afternoon, and at 3 pm very strong from East. The sky is cloudy with showers. The sky becomes blue and sunny at 5 pm.
The picnic area is 35 km after Marla, and don’t have water nor toilet.
Cadney Homestead is a nice family roadhouse, 7.5 $ an unpowered site, I stay in the kitchen shelter day and night, to protect me from the wind.
Cadney Homestead – Picnic area 80
The road follows nearly flat through a land of poor grass, with sometimes scattered shrubs. I have strong West wind, and blue sky till 11 am, and then cloudy. There are picnic areas with water km 40 and km 80, and another one without water km 60.
I see a solar car, that minds something looking like a page, with wheels, and an egg at the middle. I meet one of the staff. www://
It will have a racing from Darwin till Adelaide on 16 to 20 of October, 45 cars about. Well it is not really ecologic, because all the staff goes with, so 3 to 5 other cars, one or 2 caravans, a truck, and all that came from abroad, by plane or boat.
Picnic area – Cobber Pedy 85
The road continues gentle hilly, in a land with only poor grass, the sky is cloudy, and I have West wind starting at 10 am. 50 km before Cobber Pedy start the mines, a lot of piles of soil, making the land more ugly.
Cobber Pedy is a poor little town, dirt streets, buildings and houses in metal, and no trees. The little hills which are down town were certainly the first mines, and now these rats nests are used like hotels and shops, underground world it is called.
I find the place very sad, so I run away. Well I go to a campsite, in the local map it seems near downtown, but in fact it is 6 km away, in the mine land.

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