


Cobber Pedy – Ingmann picnic area 91It is the same gentle hilly road, and the same poor grass land, with 50 cm high scattered shrubs. It is less cloudy, and I have East wind since 10 am. There is a picnic area without water at 48 km, and another with water but without toilet at 91 km.
I see a dingo and a group of emeu.
Ingmann picnic area – Bon Bon picnic area 78
The road follows nearly flat, but the land changes quickly, from the poor grass to shrubs land with scattered trees, and sometimes acacia open forest. Well sometimes the 50 cm high shrubs land comes back . The sky is perfect blue, and it is not hot. I have a very light back wind. I finish the day at 1 pm, and I have time to rest.So I won’t complain.
There is a picnic area without water at km 35, and another with water and toilet at km 78.
Bon Bon picnic area –Glendambo 85
It is the same gentle hilly road, through the same country side. Some shrubs have yellow flowers. The sky is cloudy, with showers, and I have strong headwind, South East, cold. Today I can complain.
I take breakfast in the first picnic area, km 22, and lunch and long stop in the second, km 57. The 2 don’t have water. But it is too cold and windy to stay there, so I continue till Glendambo.
Here there are 2 roahouses. In front of the Shell all the trucks stop. And the other one is expensive, 16.5 $, the hot shower is 2 mn too hot, 2mn OK, and 2 mn cold, so it is hard and long to take a shower, and there are no table, no seat and no gas in the camping kitchen. Well a least I have a roof against the rain, and I can take a shower and clean the clothes. There is toilet outside, after the second road house, but it is prohibited to camp, that would waste the business.
Glendambo – Lake Hart picnic area 75
Today is better, the sky becomes slowly blue for midday, and I have some backwind, South West. It is the same road and the same country side. No way to see Gairdnerlake. I take a breakfast at the picnic area km 25. Then it is time to arrive at the stop, as the wind start to become stronger and more South.
Well the lookout is marvellous. Lake Hart is a salt lake, white, vast, with cliffs around, and small trees and shrubs, white flowers and red soil. I notice olive trees, or are they eucalyptus?, pine trees, and acacias shrubs. Most of the caravans stop here, and I meet again a family, I met before near Cobber Pedy.
I decide to take 1 day rest here tomorrow.
Lake Hart picnic area – PimbaWoomera – picnic area 110
The road follows a beat hilly through mostly the land with just shrubs 50 cm high, apart 20 km with trees and shrubs 20 km after Pimba.
I have South West wind in the morning, only West wind in the afternoon. It is cloudy in the morning, and sunny in the afternoon.
There are 2 picnic areas with beautiful views of Island Lagoon lake, but very basic, just 2 tables, no roof and no water, one 20 km before Pimba, an one 17 km after Pimba.Pimba is just a roadhouse, no shop, but has water tanker. The store is in Woomera, 7 km on left. I choose to continue, not spend 1 hour detour.
And it is midday when I arrive at the picnic area where I plan to stop. I decide it is too early and I continue, thinking I can always sleep in the bush. Fortunately I have backwind, so I can join the next picnic area, trees, table, roof and water, but I feel very tired. I just stay in the hammock and eat, not exactly a good afternoon.
And in fact it is no way to camp in the bush, I discover, going to the bush toilet, that it is totally full with spins!!
Picnic area – Picnic area 68
The road continues a beat hilly through first the very small shrubs land, and then shrubs with trees, I recognize acacias and oaks. It is hot and sunny. I have wind from the East in the morning, and then from North East.
There are 2 picnic areas without water, 10 and 20 km ahead. Then km 40 there is a picnic area with water and toilet, but the truck stop is just in front, it may be noisy. And a last picnic area is km 68, without water, where I decide to stop.
I am only 35 km from Port Augusta, and it is midday, but I am tired from yesterday, and it is no meaning to arrive late in Port Augusta, where I don’t know if I could make free camping.
A bus driver gives me café and fruits.
Picnic area – Port Augusta 40
In the early morning come a big storm and heavy rain, but it doesn't last.
So I move till Port Augusta by the scrub and blue grass land.
I arrive in Port Augusta, and just before the bridge, I turn to find the West post office. Good my tyres are here, I take it off the box, and continue my way. I cross the bridge, with a beautiful view on the large river, and on the bank which is used as a garden.
I turn on right to the centre, where are all the supermarkets. There a few old and nice buildings, and a poor place to seat and eat.
Well then I continue my way, trying to find a place to camp. But the only place is at the end of the town, a hut in front of the lake, smelling bad and noisy. At least it have water.
So I decide to continue, on the way to Quorn and Flinders Range. On the map there is a picnic area. Well the place is not so good, just a driveway for cars, a poor table under a tree, very windy, and along the road. Anyway it is better than the hut, quiet and green. I have an other heavy shower, but the tree protects me.

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