
Australia 21 Adelaide and Peninsula

Adelaide and Peninsula


Well Adelaide is a big city, but rather sympathic. The centre is rounded by parks and sport fields. It has a few antic buildings. The pedestrian street has all the shops and restaurants, and here too are the bicycle shops and outdoors. Well only a part is pedestrian. Then just near are the library, the south Australia museum, with a good collection about indigenous and aussie animals, and the Gallery, with a good collection of Aussie works. Then a little further is the market, with food and restaurants, and just belong, the chines street. In the other Island there is a street with restaurants. But all that is very noisy by the traffic, and very crowdy.
Then there are a lot of houses suburbs, and linear parks, as the Torrens river one, which follows the river for 30 km, and the old highway 1. And it is very near the hills, or the sea.

Adelaide – Greenhill road – Summertown – Uraidla – Handhorf – Echunga 50

Alan lives 11 km for from the center. He proposes me to get off Adelaide by the bicycle lane along the higway 1. But it is a large detour, as I would have to go near the centre first. So I decide to cut straight the suburbs, and join the Greenhill road. Well sure it is not the easy way. But at least it is very scenic. The road climbs steep for 10 km, in balcony by the hills with very steep slopes and deep valleys, covered with trees. Then it is mostly going gentle down through fields, wineries and forest and farms, for 10 km.
When I see Swamp road on left, and a cemetery on right, I turn right, cross the river and catch another main road. I turn in on right, and a few later I turn on right again in Heysen road, till the Cedars, the house of the painter Heysen. There is nothing special, apart beautiful high cedars. The sudio is a stone hut. And there a few drawings and paintings. But it is always interesting to see where has lived a painter to understand better his work. Heysen was in the same movement as Millet, painting the nature and the rural way of life around. He was really attracted by the sun lights.
After I go back to the main road and continue till Handhorf. It is a little town just for tourism, restaurants, shops and hotels. There is no sign, so I miss the turn, and I do 30 mn climbing for nothing before turning around. I see a map so this time I turn downtown way to the Oval, which is other name for sport field. It is 1 km ahead and I think to camp in. but it is early so I continue.
It is hilly through farm land till Echunga. The sport field is along my road, just before the cross, and I camp here.

Echunga – Meadows – Myponga – Yankalilla – Delamere – Deep Creek 105

From Echunga till Myponga, the road goes undulating, through forest plantations, pine trees, and farms, fields with trees. Just before Myponga, I choose to make the detour around the dam. It start by a very steep climbing, and when I rise the top, I discover the dam is downhill, and around there only fields with poor grass. So I turn around and go back to the cross and stay on the main road. There is a few traffic. I stop to lunch in Myponga, just in front the dam. I see a sign on left for the sport field, but I don’t go to see it. Then I continue till Yankalilla through the same country side and undulating road. It is a real town with all the services and a supermarket, and a sport field. It is early, so I decide to continue, which was a mistake.
First the road joins the coast, and the scenery changes totally. It becomes steep hills with yellow grass falling nearly in the sea, there is just room for a narrow beach and the road. There are 2 picnic area, in this 6 km, but without water. Then the road gets out of the coast and returns inside. It becomes very hilly and steep, through farm land. It crosses a small village, Second Valley, which is just a bay and acomodations for tourism, no place to camp. I continue slowly till Delamere, but it is just a petrol station, no place to camp either.
So I turn on right way to Victor Harbor, and there is a last climbing. Then the road flatters undulating, through forest plantation, lot of pine trees, and fields and farms, yet no place to camp. After a while, I turn on right in a back road to a Deep Creek conservation Park campsite, where I camp. Well it is a very nice place, inside the wild forest with cedars, eucalyptus and grass trees, and kangurus and birds. But it is too late, I am tired I am not really in mood to appreciate it.

Deep Creek – Parawa – Waitpinga – Victor Harbor 52

The gravel road which goes back to the sealed road is rather long, at the start through the wild forest, but mostly through fields. It is hilly, but not steep. The sealed road has a few traffic, and continues hilly by farm land, not very interesting. There is a recreation park in Parawa, on right, well it is just indicated by a sign disable people toilet.
Then I decide to turn on left in the road which deserve the coast caravan parks. It is the same country side, and Waitpinga is just a group of farms.
I join in the end the coast side on right, with 2 little islands, and a cycle lane along the coast. That is a very relaxing and beautiful place, and I stop a while to relax.
Then I go to Victor Harbor and Annie home (warmshowers), who welcomes me very well.

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