
Australia 39 West coast around Margaret river

West coast around Margaret river

Canebreak - Kudardup – Augusta 56

I start late, as first I have to repair the cable of the front derailer, which is nearly broken. I short 1 cm of the tube, and that is done.
The Brokman hgw flatters, and I meet an English cyclist in Alexandra bridge. We stop for lunch just here, in the Hall, nice place to camp, toilet, table, shadow, water. we talk a long while, he just start his travel from Perth, which he plan very long (
Just after the hall there is a campsite, 7$, which should be nice too, along the Blackwood river, which makes a large and deep pool here. 2 young guys play jumping in from the bridge.
Just after the bridge I turn on riht in Glenarty road. It is hilly and by fields, but I avoid the traffic. I arrive in Kudardup, which is just a few houses, no water. So I decide to go to Augusta to camp.
Augusta is a turistic town, all services, and I find easily the sport ground, where I camp near the bicycle games, toilet and water.

Augusta - Cape Leuwin - Cave road - Hamelin bay - Boranup campsite 50

From Augusta I go by the main road till Cape Leeuwin, first by forest, and then by schrubs land, and there is nothing exciting here. The light house tour costs 17$, forget it! I come back along the river, by stewart and pepermint road. I stop in Flinders bay picnic area and jetty to take a shower and wash the clothes. From here I take the bicycle lane along the river, till Augusta downtown, where I enter by Ellis street. I see a few pelicans. I check my mails and lunch.
At midday I move, and follow Cave scenic road, undulating by the forest. After 15 km I turn on left to Hamelin bay, which is a nice place with 2 large beaches and a cliff island. I find water, but it isn't a place to camp, too busy.
I go back to Cave road, and after 7 km I turn on left in Maze road, Boranup drive. It is very hot, so I stop in the Boranup national park campsite, tables, toilet, but no water. At midnight new campers comes, and some are very noisy, talking and laughting loudly.

Boranup campsite - Boranup road - Cave road - Margaret river - Rapid pool 63

Again the campers are noisy from 6 am, so I awake early, pack all and move to Boranup lookout to take the breakfast, quiet and nice place with tables and toilet. Then I follow the Boranup gravel road, sandy, with 2 steep hills, by the forest, for 14 km. It has nothing particular, so I better get back to Cave road, which goes too by the foret, and it is sealed.
I am tired, so I decide to go straight to Margaret River town, and avoid Margaret River mouth. So I turn on right in Walcliffe road, which is very busy. But fortunately it has a separate bicycle lane. I enter by the recreational park. And just after I turn on right, in the commercial shopping center street, where is the bicycle shop. I am lucky, he can change right now the cable of the derailer, and the chain by the way. He finds so amazing the bicycle, and what I am doing, so he takes a lot of fotos of the bicycle and me. But he doesn't offer a coffe nor makes a down price. Australia is a one way world, a pity.
Then I go in the strand street, very busy with tourists, make shopping and lunch. The bus driver jokes with me, good. I feed the bottles in the baby change room of the toilet, and move.
I take the Bussel hgw, very busy, North, for a few km. I turn on right in Osmington road, undulating, by forest and farms land. It is a nice change, some opening views. I follow it 15 km and I turn on right in Canebreak road, gravel, very sandy, very corugated. I have to push the bicycle for the 6 km, till the campsite, Rapid national park pool.
It is a very nice place in the forest, with tables and toilet, but no water. the river makes a pool, where children are playing in water. The water is not hot, but not fresh, so it is very lovely to swim in, and very sensual, and relaxing.
Infortunately, a group of drunks makes a very lot of noise half of the night, first with very loud music, then with the cars, then shouting and schrieking, nearly fighting. At the end they move away.

Rapid Pool - Busselton - Capel 77

I want to experiment an other road, avoid the yesterday road, so rought. so I cross the river and follow straight, and then connect with South road. Well it is a lost of time, and 10 km for nothing, as in the end I come back to the Pool campsite. So I follow Canebreak road, which is really better now, I can cycle it, for 6 km. I join Chapman Hill road, sealed, by farms land, which I follow till Busselton. And funny thing, it is flat!
Busselton is very busy, with on land side a big industrial district, and on sea side numerous caravan parks. Between are houses and shops, all modern, no business roads, no strand, it looks more like a suburb entrance. I take a lunch, rock melon for once, and I join the beach.
All the tourists gather in the town beach, but Busselton have kilometers of wild empty beach. I take the bicycle lane, which goes along the beach, rounded by big architectural new houses, interesting but none has a sculpture. Infortunately there are only schrubs and sand, no place to camp in the shade. But there are 2 toilets with water on the way. At the harbour there is a big bicycle bridge to cross it.
At the end I cross the river, turn on Leyman road, I don't go in Forest road. I pass Wonerup, where there are a picnic area, in the forest, and some first settlement huts to visit, 10$. There are copy of course, the termites had eat the real ones long time ago.
I connect with Tuart road and national park, which goes by a very quiet forest, of Tuart eucalyptus trees, a local variety. There are 2 picnic area, but it is not allowed to camp, and I have the feeling the ranger wouldn't like to see me camping here. In the village, an old settlement with yet the old wood mill half abandonned, there is no place to camp too.
So I continue, and in the last part of Tuart road the forest was cut for mines, incommon metals, and farms. Then I connect with the very busy Bussel hgw, for a few km, till Capel.
Capel is a small town, sleeping in the heat by Sunday afternoon, but the IGA supermarket is open. it have a nice shade park in the centre, where I lunch and rest. Then I go to camp in the sport ground, in Spurr street.

Capel - Boyanup - Dardanup - Picton - Bunbury 50

From Capel I decide to avoid the Bussel hgw, and I follow the railway road, quiet, flat, by farms land. I arrive in Boyanup, little town with all services and sport ground.
I take the Boyanup Picton road, by Dardanup. It goes by farmland, but the forest on left side, where is the railway, is protected, so the canopy is rich. Infortunately the road doesn't have a shoulder, and is very busy with big trucks, so it is dangerous. i have several times to ride on the soft shoulder.
Dardanup is a village, with a store and an old church. Then from Picton till the river, there are 10 km of industrial and stores district, ugly, by the very busy higway. Fortunately there is a bicycle lane. I arrive in the centre, at the tourist office, benches without shade. I buy the Munda Biddi trail maps, and then I go to Neal and Thora home, warmshowers, where I will rest 1 day. I won't recommand them.

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