
Australia 4 : Tamworth till Stanhorpe


Tamworth – Kootingal – Limbri – Woolbrok 55
Woolbrook – Weelum – Kentucky – Ulura 68
Ulura – Armindale – Wollomomby 82
Wollomomby – Ebor – Hernani 58
Hernani – Tyringham – Nymbodia 72
Nymbodia – Grafton – Copmanhurst 65
Copmanhurst – Baryulgil – Tabulam minus 90
Tabulam mins – Tabulam – Drake – pass – Sandy Hill+10 72
Sandy Hill+10 – Boono River – pass – Stanhorpe 60Tamworth – Kootingal – Limbri – Woolbrook
I start from Graeme home, and he accompanies me a while, Daruka road, so I already win the 7km climbing from downtown. It starts by 5km downhill, and we turn left to Kootingal. We cross the NY hgw, and still make 3 km till Kootingal, along the railway. We join the railway station there, and I continue alone.
I still follow the railway way to Limbri, 15 km away. The gentle climbing starts regular, along the river.
I arrive in Limbri and turn left, just before the bridge, and the road changes gravel. It continues to climb regularly a while, and then it becomes a long ride hilly, slow climbing, through fields and forest, rounded by hills covered by forest, during 25 km. It seems without end.
30 km after Limbri I cross a village, Woolbrook, I pass the bridge, and stop to camp along the river, in a picnic area.
Woolbrook – Wellun – Kentucky – Ulura
1 km more and I join the main road. I turn on right, way to Wacha, and 5 km later I turn on left, way to Wellun. It is hilly along yellow fields and farms. After Wellun it flatters till Kentucky, but wind start. There are very less eucalyptus, but the fields are rounded by lanes of pine trees. In Kentuchky I decide to avoid the N E hgw, so I turn on right, and quickly on left, terrible valley road, way to Wacha. I see the same country side, with wind pushing me, so I fly 10 km. at the end of that road, I turn left, way to Ulura, 15 km. 5 km before Ulura, on right, there a lagoon, with a hut to look at birds, where I take my lunch, waiting for the end of the shower. I see black swans, ducks, pelicans, and goats. After the road becomes again hilly till Ulura.
The main street of Ulura looks also like western USA movies. I decide to stop here. There is a nice picnic area along the NE hgw north end of the town, but I ask at the tourist office for real camping site. The guy drives me to a campsite 6 km away, in the middle of the bush forest. He gives me too a map to go to Grafton, and an other to go to Armindale by unbusy rods, very helpful. So to go to the campsite, take south the NY hgw, till kingstone road on right just after the gasoline station, pass cemetery and bridge, and just after turn right Devon court road till the end of the asphalt, and enter in Fossiking Reserve. It is a free good place to stay some days with water.
Ulura – Armindale – Wollomomby
Rom Ulura center, I take on left Bundurra road thunderbold way during 2 km, then right rock river road 1.5 km, left hawthorn drive till end 7 km, left arding road 0.5 km, right mt butler road 3 km, right pine grove road 7 km till the end, and then the main road on right Armindale 7 km, and 5 km till the center of Armindale following the signs through a lot of streets. All that is nearly flat.
In Armindale there is a beautiful park with groups of cacatoes flying, and the tourist office. Just in front is Cole supermarket, and parallel is the pedestrian main street. The get out to Grafton and Dorrigo is road 78, along the pony club and the nice school. And top of the first hill is a picnic area.
The road 78 is hilly, slowly climbing, with long up and down, trough fields with eucalyptus. Fortunately, wind is pushing me. No more cacatoes, but still lories. No more pine trees, but acacias. There a picnic area 10 km after Armindale, but no hidden place, and then 37 km, I turn on right 2 km inside, to Wollomomby park, with very good picnic area, in the forest, where I camp. The official camping have fee. Here is the marvelous second high water fall of Australia, on Oxley River, 200 m high, in deep gorge, covered by eucalyptus.
Wllomomby – Ebor – Hernani
The road continues 25 km steep and hilly, mostly up, trough fields, and then bordered by 2 lanes of trees, 50 m large, hiding the fields. 15 km before Ebor, it enters in Cathedral Rocks national park, and in the forest. A long and steep climbing starts, and continues till the end of the park, 10 km at least. Then the fields comes back, I turn right at the cross, I pass a last hill, 1400 m altitude, and I arrive in Ebor, with a nice restaurant, and a convenience with petrol.
Just before Ebor, on right, 500 m inside, are the Ebor waterfalls, inside a deep beautiful valley covered by eucalyptus forest. It is a nice picnic area too.
I notice laurels trees around, and little trees which look like pine trees, but in fact they are acacias with very thin leaves.
Then it is 15 km hilly trough field still Hernani village. At the cross I camp at the community house, on left, toilets and water. Fortunately the veranda makes a little shelter where I pitch the tent and avoid the cold and strong wind.
Hernani – Tyringham – Nymbodia – Grafton
They are 10 km slow down hill, and then 10 km quicker down hill, till the bridge. 17 km after Hernani I cross Tyringham , which are a few houses and a petrol shop, no place to camp. But after the bridge is on right the community park, nice campsite.
After the bridge come 2 steep hills, 3km up, 3 km down, 3 km up. And then it is a 20 km quick down with short and steep up. I see 2 unofficial places to camp on right, km 42 and km 50 (Horton creek). Nearly all that way from Hernani is trough the forest, which becomes cloud forest (humid south tropical looks like), with dense weed, ferns trees, grass trees, and lianas, laurels and acacias.
After Horton creek, it flatters, with gentle up and down, and enters in fields. It still goes slowly down. On km 60 I cross the Nymbodia river, rather large, and there is a little park just after the bridge. 5 km further is the official camping site of the canoe club, with fee. 7 km further after the little bridge on right is a picnic area, km 72, queelong creek, where I camp.
Till Grafton, the road goes trough field with a lot of trees and farms, with gentle up and down, in a very large flat valley. Away East and West are mountains. Km 87 is Courts crossings village, convenience with petrol, and a big sport park, with water and toilets. And Grafton is 18km ahead, km 105.
Grafton is a busy town, where I have a bad feeling. So I just stop in the supermarket center, on right after the big bridge, which have a cyclist lane under. I read there are some antic buildings.
Grafton – Copmanhurst – Baryulgil – Alice – Tabulam
I take the road 91 to Casino, and after 5 km hilly I enter in Junction Hill, which have a park on left at the entrance. I turn on left way to Tabulam, and there is a beautiful picnic area 6 km later, with views of the Clarence River and the mountains. I turn left again to follow the Clarence river, way to Copmanhurst. In fact the road doesn’t follow the river, but goes inland, through forest, with some farms hidden. There are 2 hills at the start, then a part gently climbing, and then near Copmanhurst hills again. There is a picnic area 13 km after Grafton. Copmanhurst is a village 32 km after Grafton, with an hotel, and just at the get out there is a large recreative park where I decide to camp.
12 km after Copmanhurst, there is a picnic area, about 1 km after the cross, with lookout on Clarence river and the mountains. The road follows climbing, mostly regular, with some steep hills, trough the forest, with some farms and fields. There are beautiful views of the West Mountains covered by forest. And 52km after Copmanhurst comes Baryulgil village, preceded by an agreeable 5km down hill. The only place to camp is behind the school, at the entrance. The road changes gravel from km 57 till km 72.
After Baryulgil I follow the Clarence way on East side of the river. It is 50 km of rough gravel and steep hills mostly climbing, trough the forest, with a very few houses. Then I meet the main road, Bruxner hgw, and it is still 7 km of steep long hills on left to join Tabulam.
Tabulam is a village, with a grocery, closed on Sunday, and a hotel, and a large sport area with toilets and water.
In fact I missed 2 crosses. The first one to Alice was 22 km after Baryulgil on left, just after the big one on right way to Casino. The sign indicates Balund program, Edwingar and plains station road. This way crosses 2 times the Clarence River. It joins Bruxner hgw 4 km after Tabulam. So to go to Tabulam, you will have to take on right for 4 km and cross the bridge.
And then following the east Clarence way, I missed the turn on left, Captains road, 45 km after Baryulgil. This road brings near Tabulam, witch is on left.
Tabulam – Drake – Sandy hill – Stanhorpe
From Tabulam bridge it is 20 km climbing strongly through the forest till Drake, which is just a few houses and restaurants, by the Bruxner hgw. There is a picnic area along the road. Then it is still 10 km climbing, 5 steep and 5 gentle, through the forest, till the pass, 900 m. At the top there is a picnic area on left, 300 m inside the forest.
Then it is a mostly gentle down hill till Sandy Hill bridge, 10 km through the forest. There is a TSR campsite just before the bridge on right, along the road, you will see the hut.
Just after the bridge, the one that is in a curb, I take on right bookroot road, gravel, through fields. It starts by 2 km climbing and 2 creeks, and then it is gentle down flat. Just after the farm and metal shelters for animals, before the big house, I turn on right and find 500 m ahead the TSR campsite, a little field with timber, where I camp.
In the early morning, I go back to the big house to ask for water. The woman likes the idea to discover Australia by the little roads across the land, and offers me breakfast.
Then starts the hard ride. It is mostly gentle climbing, but by steep hills, and each I have to push the loaded bicycle. I follow Gully road, till the end, up and down, crossing creeks without bridge, and then arriving at a farm turn on left way to Haricanne lane. It is the steep down hill till the Boono boono river. All that are 27 km. I cross the river by the car pass, with 30 cm of water in the end, the bridge is broken. Then comes the very steep climbing on the big hill, 5 km climbing pushing strongly the bicycle, during 2 hours, 500m up, with 2 little down, pass at 950 m. All that is mostly trough fields at the start, and then through the forest. 4 or 5 times it seems I raise the top, but the climbing continues.
Harricane lane is a gentle hilly 1 km, till the main road. The main road is at the start smooth gravel, and quickly becomes asphalt. It goes through the forest, by gentle hills. I follow it 10 km, and turn left on Stanhorpe - Ascomfield road. One hour and 15 km more and I enter in Stanhorpe, where I meet Jane, a warmshowers. She drives me 13 km away by car, too late for cycling, in the middle of the bush forest. I stay 3 days in her house.

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