
Australia 5 Stanhorpe till Flaxton


Stanhorpe – Liston – Legume 82
Legume – Boonah 80
Boonah – Ipswish – Fernvale+5 85
Fernvale – Somerset dam – Kilcoy 78
Kilcoy – Forwood – Maleny 62
Maleny – Montville – Flaxton – tours around 35Stanhorpe – Liston – Legume 15/07/2011
From Jane house, it is 20 km till Stanhorpe, and then 20 km more to Liston, by the same Asmosfield road. That road climbs a little, by gentle hills, through fields and forest. Liston is a little village on the right, with a picnic area.
Then the road goes downhill gently, mostly regular, for 25 km, till the bridge, till through forest and fields. There are beautiful lookout on the Warwick valley, with the mountain in the end. And yet there are 15 km of rought gravel road.
After the bridge, come again hills, till Legume, which is a village, 15km away. There I turn on short road on left, and at the end is the sport ground, where I camp. 200m further are a grocery and a picnic area.
It start raining at 4 pm, and that will continue heavy rain for all night.
Legume – Boonah
Day after it is still raining. I make 10 km and find a picnic area, where the toilets shelter has a little veranda. I pitch the tent under, and it rains heavily all day and all night.
Well from Legume, I go straight way to Kilanrey for 6 km, and then turn right way to Boonah. The picnic area is 3 km later. That part is flat.
Then starts the climbing for 15 km, followed by a steep 2 km down hills, 5km hills, 7 km steep down, 20 km gently down, and 20 km hills.
For 50 km it is mostly in the forest. At the start it is the commun open forest, trees eucalyptus and acacias and some weeds under. Then I enter in the cloud forest, with high and big pine trees, figs, araucarias, ginkobilobas, and laurels, grass trees and ferns trees, and others, and yet acacias and eucalyptus, and lianas and high and dense weeds. It is fantastic.
Then it is less dense, but with a lot of different pine trees and figs.
The last 20 km are through fields with a lot of eucalyptus.
2km and 5 km after the start of the big climbing, there are beautiful waterfalls. At the second there is a nice picnic area, just in front the official caravan camping.
During the big down, there are impressive lookouts at all the valley , and at the end at the canyon of the Darling river, which looks like a gate made by high cliffs.
Boonah is a little town with all the basic services. I camp in the commun and inconfortable sportground at the entrance.
Boonah – Ipswich – Fernvale
Today I didn’t choose the good way. So I have a lot of traffic.
In Boonah, I should turn left till Aratula, and then straight North till Fernvale. But I turn right, to Ipswich, which is rather busy and boring, through fields. There is a picnic area in Peak crossing village, 25 km after Boonah.
I spend time in Ipswich, very busy town, to find an internet cafe, but no way.
Then I take the hgw to Toowomba 10 km, four lanes and very busy, and I turn right way to Esk, road 17, 2 lanes, not always a shoulder, and very busy, till Fernvale. There is a nice and large sport ground there, and a good tourist office. But I continue my way, as I want to avoid the noise of the traffic to sleep. I cross the bridge, and turn in the first road on right, England creek, and find a nice place to camp on left 3.5 km ahead.
Fernvale – Sommerset dam –Kilkoy
After Fernvale I do 6 km more to turn right, Somerset dam and escape the busy roads. It is the second cross, a large road and a big sign. It is rather hilly, but not too steep. The first part is inside the forest, along the Sliptyard creek dam. There is a small picnic area at the end, about 20 km.
Then there are large fields, big houses, rich touristic land, along the big somerset dam, no place to camp. It is not so beautiful, a big blue lake rounded by dry yellow fields and upper hills with forest.
The end flatters and I suddenly join the cross with the hgw. It costs 15$ to camp in the pony club in front, so I turn right, till Kilcoy, 2 km. and on left there are a picnic area and back a large sport ground, where I camp, behind the lake.
Very confortable.
Kilcoy – Woodford via Neurum road – Maleny - Montville – Flaxton
I take the hgw for a few km, and then I turn left in Neurum road, to go to Woodford, 25 km barely hilly, through fields with trees. It is a nice unbusy road. Woodford is a little town with all services. The sport ground seems to be behind the library.
Then I take the way to Maleny. It is flat through fields for 15 km. Then starts the big climbing, 20 km long, mostly through forest. There are beautiful lookouts on the large valley down, with curious peaks. And that finishes by 5 km steep hills. Just at the entrance is the show ground. But I don’t enter there. I go till the library, and 100m before, I turn right on a narrow wood board walk, which drives me at this show ground. Well I didn’t know that way, I found it by luke. But following it, I avoid paying 15 $ to camp in the show ground.
The next day, I learn in the library, the only place to use internet in Australia, that my warmshowers contact wont be at home. Fortunately, I have Tony in Flaxton. So it will be a short day. There are 15 km of steep hills till Montville, very touristic village. There is a picnic area on km 10, and great lookouts till the sea and the coast down. Then it is 5 km more hilly till Flaxton.
Before there on left an entrance to a park, Kondalilla falls, 2 km away, with a nice walk in the forest, figs and palm trees and eucalyptus and acacias, with a beautiful creek and a big waterfall. Then I go to visit the national park campsite, take flaxton mill road on left, ahead 2km, and on right is the entrance of the trail. There is 200m of narrow path, and then a gravel road for 3.5 km till a nice campsite in the middle of the forest.

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