
Australia 43 the alps and alpine road

the alps and alpine road

Hariette – Mount Hotman – Dinner plain 49The climb takes me 4h30, and 1h to join Dinner plain campsite, the first place to stay. There is 10 km very steep, till the picnic area, just a table. Then it eases a little for 10 km. and it finishes by 10 km very steep, till Mt Hotman. All that is by the forest. There are some lookouts, on the valley of Hariette first, then on the mountains and peaks around, all covered with forest. A wide part is only white truncks, burnt forest, the Ash eucalyptus don’t survive bush fire. Hotman is just a tourist village, no picnic area, no benche, just a street with lodges and hotels.
I continue and follow the hilly road for 10 km, till Dinner plain hut and campsite on right. The hut is nice but the water tank is broken. Well there is a spring 3 km before, where I feed the bottles. I stay 2 nights in the hut, making a little fire in the chimney.

Dinner Plain – Omeo – Swift creek 77
The road goes mostly by farms land, fields and crops, rounded by hills with forest. the weather turns from sunny to cloudy with rain. Dinner plain is an other tourist village, just lodges and hotels, no store. Omeo is a little town, with a supermarket and a sport ground. Swift creek is a village, without sport ground nor picnic area.
For 30 km the road goes slowly downhill by steps, a short down, a flat undulating, etc… then comes a long steep climb, with at the top a picnic area, tables, with a lookout. Then comes 7 km of very steep downhill, an other picnic area, and downhill till Omeo (45 km).
It is 1 pm, cold and raining, so I continue. I meet 9 km climbing, 9 km very steep downhill and 9 km flat and windy till Swift creek. Here the picnic area along the river is a caravan park. Fortunately there is the gun club house 2 km before the village, where I camp, under the veranda, benches but no water and no toilet. It rains all evening. A car driver comes and looks at me and moves away.
Swift creek – Ensay – Bruthen 77
I continue by the Alpine road, which follow the river on his left side, downhill. There is poor traffic. The road goes by farms land, rounded by hills with forest. The weather is chilly. The river is lined by trees and bush, very nice.
After 7 km, just before the bridge, I turn on right in a back road along the river. It is the same country side till Ensay, 25 km. here there is a beautiful sport ground. I lunch and wash myself and the clothes in the sink in the toilets.
I go back on the Alpine road, which follows again the river for 25 km, undulating, with some steep short climbings. Sometime the river is deep in a narrow gorge, between very steep slopes, sometime it crosses flats with fields and farms. Tambo crossing is just that, a flat with a few farms, and a old bridge. 5 km after there is a picnic area, toilet, table and shelter, where I lunch. But I notice that the floor of the shelter is downhill, so the rain goes in. So I continue.
The road gets off the river bed, and goes up hill, by 10 km of steep climbing, and then 7 km down hill, by the forest. Then it is undulating for 10 km till Bruthen, a village.

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