
Australia 44 first part along the coast

first part along the coast

Bruthen – Nicholson – Bruthen – Nowa Nowa 73I take the rail trail way to Bairnsdale for 20 km, undulating by farms land, till the lookout on the lake. Then I go back to Bruthen. I lunch and continue the rail trail way to Orbost. It climbs lightly by forest. There is a table on the road before Trestle bridge, full sun, so I don’t stop. Trestle bridge is a large railway bridge, all in timber, jumping a valley, very impressive.
I continue till Nowa Nowa, which is a village with a few houses, hotels, and a little store. I go to the sport ground in front of the store, but there is no table no veranda, nothing. Fortunately just before, on left, there is a beautiful park along the river with tables, the pony club, where I camp.

Nowa Nowa – Lake tiers park – New Merela 61
I follow the rail trail for 10 km, and I turn on right in Warrera road, to Lake Tiers campsite. I do 10 km on a rought gravel road undulating in the forest, and I don’t see nothing. So I go back to the rail trail. It goes by the forest, with a lot of banksia trees, undulating. There are 2 tables along the road, but in full sun, and without any confort.
I arrive in New Merela, and just before, at the second cross with Junction road, I turn on right to join the highway 1. I enter in New Merela, and there is a beautiful sport ground where I camp.

New Merela – Orbost – Marlo – Hightway 1 73
I follow the rail gtrail till Orbost, which is the end. Orbost is a little town with a park and caravan park along the river. I meet a french cyclist and after a nice talk, we decide to continue together. That will last 4 days, after what he lets me to camp in a caravan park.
We continue by the river road till Marlo, by fields, with a few picnic areas along the river. The best one is the second, 7 km after Orbost. Marlo is a touristic village where we lunch, and it is better to avoid free camping around here. Then we follow the coast, but the sea is mostly hidden by the dense bush, eucalyptus, tea trees and banksias. There are some lookout on the mouth of the Snowy river, with a dune between the sea and the river.
In cap Conrade there is a picnic area and an acess to the beach. I am not sure it is a good place to free camping. Anyway we continue, and join the hightway 1. 15 km after the cross there is a picnic area. Along the road there is only a table, but by the gravel road, 500 m ahead, there are toilet, water and tables, in the forest, very nice. In the morning we follow the short walk by the rain forest full of fern trees.

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