Oman 16 Badah till Sur

01/01/2016 Cross Badah till Sur 89 km

I awake and move early, 7 am, to make as much km as possible before the wind. I turn on left crossing the town ... No change in the country side, and head wind. 
I arrive in the suburb of Sur. Here I meet 2 cyclists. It seems the south is more touristic that the North. I turn on right before entering in Sur to follow the ring which goes before the hills, and then along the mouth of the river, full of mangroves. 
Near the end of the road, about 2 km before it would join the town, I see on right a path whic goes inside. 
I take it perfect it is used to park animals, there are some trees, no one, and a clean place closed by bricks. I camp here, protect from the wind.

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