To join the road N9 we take an other road, all gravel. After a first steep climbing, it climbs slowly for 18 km till the pass, 1600 m. Fortunately we have back wind. At the top there is a large view of all the plain, between mountains in the distance. We can see the pass to Cradock in front, and the pass to Middelburg on left. Then there a quick downhill till the ralway station, which presently is used as a little farm. We ask water there, and chat with the woman. Here they live without elctricity, it is too expensive to do the connection. Then we have strong side wind, so we go slowly, fighting. We are in the middle of the plain, with only large fields with yellow grass around. Martine is tired, but as there is no place to hide and camp, and strong wind, we continue, again slightly climbing. The weather is changing too, becoming all cloudy and black. So I do want to cross the pass, which is near now. We have a last flat with back wind, we arrive at the foot of the steep part. With the strong wind, the only pssibility is to push the bicycles for 4 km. Fortunately it is not so steep in the end. There are some very impressive look out on the plain, in his long side this time. And we rise the top, 1780 m high, 500 m climbing. Then comes a quick downhill for a few km. We stop at the first farm we see, and luckily we meet the owners just at the gate, when they were coming outside. They agree we camp in the farm, and they propose a hall for storing wool, presently empty. So we are protected from wind and cold. We dont meet the owners again.

Then we have 50 km mostly downhill till Middelburg, by and other plain, with crops now. It last by a slow crossing of a long new township, with strong head wind. We go to the centre, 2 streets with the classical shops, blacks laying and beging, and we find the supermarket to buy the usual chicken chips. then we wander a bit looking for the internet cafe, asking at the lodges. We find it, and by chance Martine asks if they can indicate a cheap lodging. The owner has a lodge too, first he proposes the double room for 40$, and nearly after 18$! So we take it. We spend most of the afternoon on the computers, Martine writing a report of his voluntaring, and me saving and reducing the fotos.

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