Oman 2 Vieille Ville et Fort de Nizwa

Vieille Ville et Fort de Nizwa

Apres Remontage du velo le long de la route, commissions, et depart. 10km pour arriver a la vieille ville et visiter le fort. Puis 10km de plus pour trouver une route parallele a la grand route et un arbre qui me fait de l'ombre. Tente planter a midi, dodo fievreux jusqu'au lendemain 9h.

Depart a 10h, pose repas a l'ombre, puis autre arbre vers 14h et repos, 20km parcourus.

After 3 days treking in Oman mountains with my friend Andres, we took a day off in Muscat. And at 10 pm my friend takes a flight to Abu Dhabi and me a bus to Nizwa. In fact this bus is waiting in the airport parking on departure side sine 10 pm. But it moves only at 3.30 am. Fortunately it is possible to seat in and sleep waiting the departure, what I did. The bus drops me a 5 am in a suburb 10 km far from Nizwa souk. I build back the bicycle anf manage my stuff in the 3 paniers. Then I do some shopping. It is 7 am when I move to Nizwa. All that step was slow and difficult as I feel seek with fever.

I cycle till the souk and take some rest on the little place near the fort and East entrance of the souk. Then I visit the fort, small but nice and well renovated.

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