Oman 3 Nizwa till Bahla

Nizwa till Bahla 60 km

Then I continue the road for 10 km. In fact I check 2 times villages to try to find a shadow place to camp. But in the villages all the trees are growing in private areas, behind walls. Well from a village I follow a back road parallel to the the main one, and I see in the land some big tree. I cross 300m pushing the bike in the land to rich it. Ok it is flat clean of stones and shadowish. I pitch the tent and sleep till 5 pm, Sunset. I awake just a short while to finish my tent and I sleep again till the next morning 9 am.

2de day is the same. I move at 10 am, make a long stop under a tree for lunch, and then stop after 20 km at 1 pm under a tree to pitch the tent and sleep till next morning. The country side is the same, main road 4 lanes with good traffic, night too, in a flat valley covered with stones and Sandy ground, a few thorn trees growing, and villages each 5 km on each side, settled 2 km far from the road. And in the distance on each side a long of small mountains, all rock, nothing growing, and rather steep slopes. Well sometimes there are interesting winding or geometric geologic layers making drawings, or sculpted or colourfull. So it is not so monotonous.

3 day I feel a bit better. I get 20 km more to rich Bahla, what I do on the morning. There I visit the fort, big place well renovated, with 3 buildings inside. Then I meet Suleiman, a local cyclist, and we go lunch in the guest room of the family house. Then he drive me to a room he rent near his shop and near the fort, for him to rest during work time. He lodges me in that room. Then he has to work in Muscat so he lets me. I stay in that room next day too, Friday, to rest. Now I really feel i recover.

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